A first look at the Assignments

This class is going to force me to return to creative writing, which is both exciting and intimidating!

When I started college, which was longer ago than I would like to admit right now, I was an English Literature major, and I used to write frequently. Now as a paralegal, I still write frequently, but legal writing is very different. Legal writing, even when attempting to persuade, is dry, passive and matter of fact. The tone is extremely different, and I worry that it will be difficult for me to change gears. On the other hand, it is a very exciting. I always enjoyed reading and writing, but I rarely make time for it. This class will force me out of my comfort zone, which is usually good but always a little scary.

Comfort Zone. Source: Wikipedia Commons

I appreciate the extra credit opportunities, as well. Specifically the tech tips and the growth mindset. In my work, I've found that tech tips are the absolute best things to collect. You never know when something is going to come in handy and save the day. My interest in the Growth Mindset is more personal. As I mentioned before, my daughter has special needs and I think that this will help me encourage her growth. As she progresses through adolescence and into adulthood, there will be many challenges that cause her to struggle. Through helping her to focus on growth and progress, we can each keep a more positive outlook that will lead us to success and happiness. I am eager to learn more it!

I have to say I have never been in a class structured anything like this one. I am happy to see where it goes!


  1. Hi Samantha! I am looking forward to this course because it will also force me to use creative writing again. It is going to be tough trying to get back to that point after years of writing dull academic essays and not exercising my creativity, but I have faith that we will both get there with the amount of writing this course requires. Good luck with the class!


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