Hello everyone! My name is Samantha Hatch, and I am excited to be back in school. It's been a little while (a long while) since I've been in the university routine. I am working on a Multidisciplinary degree that combines Information Studies with Management Information Systems. Currently, I work as a paralegal and records administrator for the state of Oklahoma. This degree should help me obtain a position with a private e-Discovery and information governance firm. At least...that's the plan! While e-Discovery seems like a far cry from Mythology, I am also excited about this course. In one of my past lives, I was an English major. I really loved looking at ancient cultures by studying their heroes, their legends, and their religions. Even though my career path is heading in a far more technological direction, I hope this class will be a fun mix of technology and classical subject matter. My hobbies right now include buying paint supplies and watching Youtube videos ab...
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