
Week 13: Reading Notes, British - Fairie Queen, Part A

This week I am reading a translated version of Edmund Spenser's Fairie Queen. The version in the Untextbook is translated from the original poetry into a modern plain English version. I have to admit that from what I remember, I much preferred the poem for it's beauty,  but that it took considerabl y   longer to read! So this version is nice if you just want to read the story. The story itself is one of great adventure and it very fun! I believe for my writing assignment tonight, I will tell of the adventures of Britomart and the unnamed knight from the perspective of the knight she rescues from his six attackers.It could be fun to "see" the Lady of Delight flirt with Britomart in disguise from his perspective. I hope I am up to the challenge and am very grateful that I will not be expected to do so in poetic form! Britomart viewing Artegall through Merlin's magic mirror. Source: Wikipedia Commons . Story Source: The UNtextbook.

Tech Tip: Twine

GAH!!!  This is awesome!! This week for the story lab I setup and got a little familiar with the TWINE Game. I have completed my game and I am trying to finish up getting it published on my new OU Create Domain! I chose to just use an oucreate domain rather than setting up a new domain because I do not expect to be doing anything fantastic while I just learning and exploring the site. Later, if genius strikes, we may have to change that. :) I will be spending some time playing with this later!! I would like to input the Ivan story from the Celtic Fairy Tales in this format. I think that would be a lot of fun. Perhaps I will do that for extra credit!! More on that later. Here are some screen grabs from my Twine 2 exploration! This is really a great tool, and so very easy to use. The program is very intuitive. Source: Personal picture taken November 8, 2019 Source: Personal picture taken November 8, 2019

Week 12: Reading Notes, Celtic Fairy Tales

I love the Celts! I'm really enjoying these myths especially The Tale of Ivan and Andrew Coffey! These stories are fantastic if you read them aloud with a lil hint of an accent. So fun. Thinking of what I would like to write this week, I would LOVE to try to mimic the way the prose flows and the slightly reversed turn of phrase, but I don't know if I'm up to the challenge! I think I will try to find something that mimic the fantastic nature of Andrew Coffey (with the silly twists and turns) with the style and plot line similar to The Tale of Ivan. This is a big task. I will need some time to brainstorm pieces of advice and plot twists. It's tough not to smile when you're reading these stories. Maybe it's just the voice in my head and the memories of Darby o' Gill and the Little People. Perhaps, it's a little culturally insensitive, but I mean no harm! Rainbow Leprechaun. Source: Wikipedia

Week 10 Story: Raven Meets the Young Boy

Raven Meet the Young Boy One day, after Raven had shaped many animals out of the clay and made hills and trees for the earth plain, he chose to take a rest. He walked slowly along the shore near Man’s home and came upon Man’s young son playing in the grass outside the house. The young boy skipped and spun around playing by himself. Raven watched as the young boy picked up a stick from brandished it at the air, mimicking the hunters like his father. And Raven smiled at the boy. On and on the boy played an Raven delighted in watching his games. Raven decided he would make the boy laugh. As Raven approached, the young boy was startled from his imaginary game. In fear he shrunk away from Raven’s massive black form. Raven was surprised at the boy’s fear. He raised his beak, like a mask, and shed his Raven form so that we would look like the boy and his father. Then the boy was no afraid. But he did not smile. Raven wanted to make the boy laugh and he did not want his Raven form...

Reading Notes: Alaskan, Part A: Week 10

I love the Raven. I love how peaceful and helpful the Eskimo creator is. He shapes animals and landscape and always looks back to see if it pleased the man. I'm not real thrilled with the man who cursed the mosquitos to "eat man" over some measly deer fat! I feel like my story might center on that guy and his uberselfishness! I did notice men grew from pods and women needed to be shaped. I suppose it beats having a women eat the forbidden apple and curse all of mankind, but it still strikes me as odd. Although it also seems to indicate that woman was shaped specific to compliment men. Perhaps it is a celebration of the symmetry of man/woman. Perfect compliments. Just random thoughts. I think that would be a controversial story if I try to retell it. I might stick with the animals and the stupid mosquitos. Really happy that Raven made the bear specifically to keep Man from getting too cocky! More thoughts later. Kodiak Bear. Source: Public Domain Reading S...

Week 8 Progress

In light of my last post, which focused on being honest in feedback, I feel I can proceed no other way with this post. I am not at all pleased with my my progress in this course. I am averaging earning a C in this class, and if I maintain that to the end of the semester, it will be the first C in my life. I realize that my schedule is considerably fuller than the typical student that takes this course, but I have found that the schedule is too rushed and crowded with small assignments to encourage real creativity. There have been several weeks when I have completed the reading in between all my other schoolwork, (actual) work, parenting work, and housework, but failed to find the time to write a blog post about my thoughts.  I understand and appreciate the concept of helping students to build good study practices by having many assignments with small point values rather than a few assignments with large point values. However, I don't believe that this method lends itsel...

Week 8: Comments and Feedback

There are few things more valuable to a writer than a great, honest, brutal critic. A theme or message that the writers believes they have implanted in their writing may be completely different than what the reader takes from it. Taking the time and having the opportunity to see your work through a reader's eyes is so helpful. I think in an online college course, though, you get very little chance to hear from someone who really takes an interest in your progress. When each person is required to leave a certain number of posts per week, choosing from a random sample of many  people, the task loses some of its value.  Feedback can be a touchy situation when the critic is trying so hard not to offend or hurt the writer. Likewise, if the writer senses that the critic is just being polite, all value is lost. Many of the comments that I've gotten have been somewhat helpful. The best comments are those that include suggestions and ideas. When leaving feedback myself, I also...